I know what your thinking, another purple FOTD. This is a quick one and I pretty much grab anything in my stash especially when I am running late and my thought process just focus on me getting ready very quickly to get to where I am going. Hate being late because I am impatient. I promise I'll stay from purples for a while for putting all these purple looks on yall. LOL!
For my eyes: I used the L'Oreal HIP duos: Sassy & Foxy with a purple shadow from the new ELF books from Target (haul post and review coming soon). Lips are L'Oreal HIP lipstick in Daring.
Be Fabulous & smart !
☛ Enter my Birthday giveaway here: http://kimmydadiva.blogspot.com/2011/05/my-birthday-giveaway.html ☚
I love the L'Oreal HIP duos! I probably collect them at this point haha. Your eyes brows are the most perfect thing I've ever seen!